Merry Christmas SUITABULL Family. Besides it being Jesus' birthday, I'm not the biggest fan of December. IT'S COLD and my African DNA doesn't allow me to thrive in this weather. Snow is cool and all but does it really have to be bone shattering cold 🥶 . You Californians and Floridians can take note, because 20 degrees to a New Yorker is like 65 degrees for you. Rather than coming out in a 1 piece snow suit, like the kid brother from "A Christmas Story", I've found some other ways to look hot when it's blistering cold outside. Gone are the days where you need to wrap yourself like a mummy, just to go and visit your mommy. Since it's Christmas, I'll be a nice guy and share some quick tips with you, while you sip your hot cocoa. We'll start from the inside and work our way out.
Underwear, Under Where?
If you want to stand any chance against the elements, you've gotta cover your assets. Thermals, or as the old heads call them, "Long Johns" are the way to go. Rock the complete top and bottom set and you'll be good in any weather. You can either go low end with Hanes or any other underwear brand, or high end from your local ski shop. I like REI, or Ski-Stop as an option. Go with the store brand to save some bucks!
For Sweater or Worse
One you've got your under layer sorted out, you'll want to keep the warm theme going with a thick cotton dress shirt, or a sweater. Whichever one you choose, ensure that the neckline comes up high enough to cover your thermal. We wouldn't want to show any t-shirt cleavage. This would be the perfect time to break out that turtle neck, which would serve a dual purpose, both as sweater and scarf!
Fully Vested
A perfect way to limit that bulk if going in and out of the car is by bringing a bubble vest into the mix. On a moderately cold day, a bubble vest over a thick sweater is all you need to get by. Not only does is cut back on the full bulk of a coat, but you'll also be able to flex those style muscles without fully covering up. On the flip side, a light vest can serve as a top layering piece underneath your jacket or coat.
JACKet of All Trades
Earlier, I griped about the bitter cold during the month of December, but what i do love is that I can bring out my velvet dinner jackets. If Santa can stunt on 'em with the velvet, why can't I? Tweed is another great fabric to bring out. You may be able to get away with a fully lined sport coat and a vest, if it's 50 degrees outside. Any colder and you'll need to pull out the Wool, Cashmere or fur coat. For those quick trips to the store, you can grab a fitted puffer coat in either nylon or wool, for that "on the go" dapper look.
AccessoRIZE to the Occasion
These won't kill an outfit, but will definitely set you apart if done right. The simplest rule is to match your hat gloves and scarf. But the reality is that you can match 2 out of the 3 and add a pop of color to the third accessory. For example, When i wear a black leather jacket, I may wear a black hat, with black gloves, but throw in a burgundy scarf for some variety. Umbrellas are another way to mixed it up. Why go with a boring black umbrella, when you can have one in herringbone or glenn plaid? Use every accessory as an opportunity to flex!
Ohhh SHOEt
Gotta protect those feet! It's one of the first places where you'll lose heat if not properly covered. I like a nice thick pair of wool socks. To take it a step further, you can grab some ski socks, for extra warmth, or if you're in the Arctic circle, you can settle on a pair of electric heating socks. Just don't get em wet, of you'll burn your toes like sausage links over a high fire. If you've got fur lined boots, like Uggs, you can dial it back on the thick socks.
Remember the words of SUITABULL, as you tough out these next few cold months. I'm looking forward to the Spring, but for now, I'm living in the moment, being thankful for life and adjusting my attire accordingly. Merry Christmas!
Stay SUITABULL guys.
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