A friend once told me that I looked expensive. Almost immediately, my mind translated that to mean, unapproachable, bourgeoisie dude that gets rose petals thrown at his feet like Prince Hakeem from “Coming to America”. For some strange reason, I was at a crossroads like Bone Thugs N Harmony and maybe even “in my feelings” like Drake. Should I feel some type of way, or embrace it like a long lost friend. I realized that it's the ultimate compliment, but why did I have that initial weird thought? After all, when I shop and dress up, the whole point is for me to nail that luxurious look without breaking the bank. My style prowess is not solely centered on cost, but on quality, careful selection and timelessness. This doesn’t mean that all of my pieces are expensive, but there are key items to focus on if you want that luxurious look. Today, let SUITABULL show you the way.
Mr. Nice Watch
Yes, I just quoted the title of a J-Cole song. But this has nothing to do with music, unless you count the sound of that credit card swiping at Tourneau. Women get to have earrings, necklaces, bracelets and broaches. Men for the most part have the watch and not much else. Therefore, every man must have a signature timepiece. This doesn’t mean something large with lots of bling, although that’s ok too. But rather, a high quality solid watch that will last the test of time. So where do I start? First establish a budget, If you’ve got 3 figure watch money, go for a Sturhling Original, 4 figure watch money, opt for a Breitling or a Rolex. I personally love Breitling and own the Avenger model. And if the brand new watches are too pricey, consider purchasing a preowned timepiece.
Buy Good Quality Clothes
Don’t be fooled by the concept that all clothes are created equal. They are not. People are created equal, not clothes. Be mindful of choosing higher quality, preshrunk cottons that wont get those annoying fuzzballs after one wash. Resist the urge to pick up the super cheap poly blend suit. Cheaper fabrics are typically more noticeable by their high sheen. As a subset of buying good quality, you should also buy timeless pieces. The 2-button suit jacket has aged much better than that 4-button suit jacket that you wore to prom 15 years ago. Same deal with well tailored/ taper suit pants versus the wide legged pants that were in style in the 90’s. Buy timeless, buy quality.
Dress Neatly
Great clothing quality means nothing if you don’t wear it well. Neatness has a lot to do with the fit. If you’ve been following the SUITABULL journey for a while, you know that at the top of my list is good fit. Shirts should be tucked tight without blousing, and if it’s untucked, your shirt tail shouldn’t fall below the seat of your pants. Speaking of pants, the length needs to be properly hemmed for your leg length with either a half or full break. Bunching at the bottom is not a SUITABULL move.
Must Be Well Groomed
Before leaving the house, I need to check the mirror to ensure I’m well groomed. I’ve been able to give my hairline a shape up and a manicure my own facial hair for as long as I can remember. Learning how to actually cut my own hair during the pandemic helped me to level up. Now I have no excuse to leave the house looking crazy. Actually, there’s never an excuse. Because there are simple things that you can do to maintain appearance and hygiene. Brush or comb your hair, but more importantly brush your teeth. Looking good means nothing if your breath is kickin like Bruce Lee.
No Billboarding
No need to advertise, you’re not being paid for it. In my previous post “Gaudy Guru” I talk about using the quality of your clothes and styling acumen to stand out as opposed to brandishing the print of the latest designer on your shirt. Unless they are paying you, don’t feel obligated to wear their name. Pull them in with how well you put it all together, then make them guess who you’re wearing.
Take Care of Your Clothes
Wash/dry clean them and iron them. Fold your clothes along the seam to avoid creases that you’ll have to iron out later. Replace broken and or loose buttons. Cut, never pull any loose strings. Keep those wears looking new as long as you can.
Don’t Grind Down Your Shoes
There’s nothing worse than holey shoes and no not Holy, because grinding your sole down to the dust is a down right sin. A man is known by his shoes, so a busted pair of kicks will send the wrong signal. If the sole of your wing tips look like flip flops, you are past due for a visit to the cobbler. Get a nice rotation at least 4 pairs (2 brown and 2 black) and when the heel or sole wears out, make that trip to the man who can resurrect your shoes. See former post “SHOEtopia” for more tips on how to pick and care for your shoes.
Good Posture and Confident Speech
Some things in life just can’t be bought, like standing tall and speaking with authority. Actually it can be bought, if you hit up contact@suitabull.com, but I’ll start you off with some free tips. Always keep your chin up, stand with your shoulders back and your chest out. Conveying positive body language and poise is all part of non-verbal communication that exudes looking “expensive.”
The Nice Car
As a car guy, this one is near and dear to me. All of the cars I’ve purchased have been for my personal enjoyment, not because of what others say about me. The appearance of looking expensive is just a by-product. This one is your own personal preference, but whatever you drive, keep it clean and keep it on point.
Accessorize Well with Detail
Sometimes the right accessory can set off an otherwise simple ensemble. One of my favorite accessories (besides my watch) is a Louis Vuitton scarf that my wife gifted me for Christmas. I’ve paired it with a Henley shirt, jeans, Chelsea boots and a pea coat to create a dope, clean and “expensive” but not gaudy look.
So now you’ve got the sauce. Some simple steps on how to look “expensive.” Looking like a man of opulence and class is a great thing. I learned that looking “expensive” is a wholehearted compliment, no matter the intention. Thankfully, in my case, the intention in which it was said was positive, but there will be haters out there that try to tear you down. In all situations, always remember to hold your head up and look good for yourself. Stay “expensive.” And as always..
Stay SUITABULL guys.