By now, you’ve probably watched all 10,000 episodes of The Walking Dead on Netflix, took a YouTube class on how to break dance and played so many rounds of Monopoly, that you feel like the Wolf of Wall Street. Now it’s time to GET OUT. Before your phobia of teaspoons clanging on the edge of cups overwhelms you, I’m not talking about the Jordan Peele movie, but rather, to get out the house, get some fresh air, and clear your head, all while staying SUITABULL. I know there’s an entire pandemic happening out there, such that you can’t even get within 6 feet of folks without raising your blood pressure, or your chances of catching the CV (Corona Virus). So I have my top 10 places where you can go.
Around the House—Corona quarantine isn’t a code word for “dress like it’s bedtime all the time.” It doesn’t hurt to look good for you. Try that new look that you haven’t had to the guts to wear to the office. Break out the new pairs of colorful socks that you bought for the spring season. After all, they’ll be on display now more than ever since shoes are optional. This is also a chance to purge your closet. Pick through and look for any items that don’t fit well, are worn, torn, or make you wonder, “What the hell was I thinking when I bought this?” The good news is that when this quarantine is finally over, you’ll have a reason to do some shopping. And if you need some help, reach out to me for a virtual session. If you happen to have a spouse or significant other, why not look good for them too. After all, you are the only other live person that they’re stuck with for the foreseeable future, so stepping your game up might win you some points.
Your Home Office—Just because your WFH (Work From Home) setting is relaxed, doesn’t mean that you can’t turn up the style. I’m on at least 3 video calls a day so, whether I like it or not, people still see me. Instead of a full suit, I’ve switched it up to a button up (or sweater) and cotton pants for comfort. To top it off, I wear a hat (no pun intended), now on my morning team call everyone wears a hat. Who says you can’t be a game changer and influencer in the middle of a national crisis? By all means resist the urge to dress like a boss on the top half, but dress like a male stripper on the lower half with your boxer briefs. At some point, you’ll forget that you only gave 50% effort (literally) into your work attire and end up getting caught with your pants down (again, literally).
Go For a Drive—Either alone or with friends (in their own cars). Your car is like a rolling quarantine bubble, so once you’ve Lysoled every inch, you’ll be in good shape as long as no one else gets in or out. So whether you’re meeting up with a group of friends, or with a car club, get dressed, get in your car and go for a drive. You might ask, “to where?” Anywhere, but it depends on how much you like to drive. Make it at least 20 minutes and if no one else is around when you get there, get out and stretch your legs. Out here in Long Island, NY, that could be any number of places:
Nautical Mile in Freeport
Old Westbury Gardens on the North Shore
The Beach, just not Jones Beach.. They’re doing Corona Virus Drive Thru testing there
The supermarket on a food run (pick the one a little further away to make the drive interesting)
Go For a Walk—You’re bound to see someone you know, and as long as you stay a safe distance away, you’ll be all right. Remember, no handshakes or hugs, but salutes and smiles are still a “social distancing” approve greeting method. If it’s still cold outside, remember that your jacket is part of your outfit, so don’t slack in that area. Since the flowers aren’t in full bloom yet, you might just have a chance at being the best scenery around town.
To Work—If you’re an essential worker, then you’re still heading into the hospital or pharmacy, or liquor store orany of the other limited occupations that are required to stay open during this time. Sidebar.. Why is the liquor store essential?? My guess is that there would be riots everywhere if they were closed. Be a light for yourself and those that you encounter. And if you’re worried about your mask messing up your look… Don’t! There’s nothing SUITABULL about catching the CV (Corona Virus).
Date Night—Depending on your local climate, you might have the option to dine and date inside or in the backyard. Put the kids to sleep, get dressed in separate rooms to keep the element of surprise, order some takeout and have the time of your life. Not only will you avoid rude waiters, parking issues and having to worry about limiting your drinks so you could drive, but you’ll appreciate the fact that you have someone to talk to during these crazy times. Get dressed like any other date night, whether it’s a button up, chinos and loafers, or a blazer and creased slacks. Your date will appreciate the effort. If you don’t have your significant other living with you, then virtual dating or the good old fashion Face time will serve you well. I don’t suggest meeting any new people in person until this whole thing blows over (Like Drake said, “No New Friends”)… The only Corona that you want to welcome into your home at this point should be with a lime wedge.
Hiking—If you’re the outdoor type, now is the time to channel your inner gladiator. The last thing you want to do is come out of hibernation looking like a grizzly bear. Although wingtips aren’t the shoes of choice here, and pinstripes aren’t proper for the occasion, color coordinate your active wear, from the bandana down to the sneakers. Resist the urge to wear those holey sweats (not Holy, we’ll get to church attire further down in this post). Dress your best, even if you’ll end up a sweaty mess.
Golf—The course is always a place where fashion is welcomed. Break out the plaid slacks and kilted wing tipped golf shoes along with a bright fitted polo shirt for a dope look. Looks like you’ll have to caddy for yourself, but on the bright side, you’ll have plenty of time to work on your short game without judgment!
Virtual Happy Hour—These are gaining in popularity. I actually attended one of these recently via a group video call at work and had a blast! The best part is that I could grab a quick wardrobe change just for happy hour. There something about a Hawaiian shirt and a sailor had that makes me feel like I’m in the islands. At the end of the day, have fun with it!
Virtual Church—Unfortunately, physical church is a wrap for now so many of us are forced to attend “Bedside Baptist Church” instead and stream from our laptops and smart devices. Some have even created a virtual congregation, where congregants can see each other during service. At minimum, brush your teeth. If you’re not going to get dressed for the Lord, at least use some Crest for the Lord, with a side of Listerine. Grab that tie and jacket your bible and get online, but remember, if you nod off EVERYBODY WILL KNOW.
The takeaway is that now that you’re confined to your house, it’s turned into a multipurpose venue, serving the purposes of work, worship, happy hour and date night among many others. Use this as an opportunity to get SUITABULL just as you would if these events were happening outside the house. Lord only knows how long this will last, so make sure you get some wears out of those outfits before you outgrow them from all of that quarantine eating that you may have been up to. Stay safe, and as always…
Stay SUITABULL guys.