Yeah I said it, I hate suits! The way the top and the bottom match remind me of those matching toddler rompers. It’s too confusing trying to match the right suit, shirt with the right shoes. And to top it off, I can’t even wear the sleeve tag to show off what kind of suit it is! After I paid all this money, I’ve gotta cut the label off? Nah fam, chill dude, hell no!” If this is you, then you’re joined by millions of others that hate suits.
But I actually don’t think you hate them, you just don’t understand them or see a need for them. Much like you “hated” that 9th grade algebra class. Or person kicking the back of your seat at the movie theater.. Nah I’m pretty sure you actually hate that person.
Do you like sweat suit, jump suits or swim suits? It’s all the same movie, just different actors.
Why you hate suits?
1–Don't need em, I wear a uniform to work and I don’t go to church and I don’t host game shows on the side
What SUITABULL says.. if you’re an adult (not like, I’m 18 so I can vote and move out of my parents’ house kind of adult, more like I have. A full time job and have a CFS bills in my own name type), as sure as the sky as blue, you’ll need a suit at some point. Perhaps a wedding (maybe your own), a funeral (definitely hope not your own) or a court date (maybe yours or someone else’s) will be in your near future, so you’ll need at least 1 suit hanging in the glass case that you could break in the event of emergency. Right? If you drive, you buy car insurance, own a home, you buy homeowners insurance, all of these are things that cost way more than a suit and you might never use. So why not get yourself a suit; something in which you’ll definitely make use.
2– I can never find my size-I either look like a stuffed sausage in a suit that’s too tight, or a pre-teen wearing his dad’s suit that fits too loosely.
What SUITABULL says.. You don’t have a suit problem, you have a tailor problem. Get you one! I know they’re called “off the Rack” suits, but they need some form of adjustment to fit your body right. I’ll let you in on a little secret. Even the mannequins wearing the suits have it tailored first. Just swing around the back and you’ll see about a thousand pins making that $200 Tommy Hilfiger suit look like a $2000 Versace suit. Want the same effect? Before you reach for the jar of pins, you might want to listen up. Start off with suit separates if your body type is disproportioned. Select the closest sized jacket that you can fit your shoulders into, while still allowing the jacket to close without puckering/wrinkling. Your slacks should fit your waist snug and the legs ought to flow comfortably when you walk. After that, you have a few options:
Level 1– For basic tailoring, pants hems, jacket and pant leg tapers and taking in the pants waist. For these simple adjustments, hit up the in store tailor.
Level 2–For level one plus jacket body shortening and jacket sleeve shortening hit up the dry cleaners tailor.
Level 3– For advanced work such as adding and removing pockets, adding functioning sleeve button holes, or repairing fabric holes and tears. Hit up a master or bespoke tailor, which is best found through recommendations. But if you must, Google is a helpful tool as well. Check out one of the previous post Body Type Basics for more insight and encouragement finding the right suit for your body type.
3–I’m allergic to suits. No really, wool makes me break out in hives.
What SUITABULL says..There are alternatives to wool. Cotton, linen and polyester are among those options and if you’re auditioning for a 90s boy band or R&B group, or dressing up as Eddie Murphy in “RAW” for Halloween, there’s also suede and leather! Seriously though, even for the super Vegan/animal conscious person, who won’t even eat animal crackers, let alone wash with or wear anything containing animal products, this would apply to you too. Save the cottons and linens for the warmer weather and reach for the polyester for colder weather wears. And while there’s nothing more natural than wearing your birthday suit, try to resist the temptation.
4–Suits are too matchy and don’t offer enough variety to express myself. I don’t want to look like everyone else.
What SUITABULL says.. If the ones you see are boring, level up. Affordable brands such as, Zara and Talia, mid-tier brands such as English Laundry and a few of the luxury brands feature suits in unique patterns and colors. If your budget allows, check out Suit Supply. Leveling up also means the option of going custom where you can add enhancements like alternate color buttonholes, elbow patches, breast pocket patches, custom linings and extra pockets. Check out Indochino or My Suit.
ORRR don’t wear a suit at all. Alternatives like sport coats and waistcoats will allow you to have the type of variety that you’re looking for while maintaining the gold standard. It provides you with the option to mix stripes with plaids, solids with dots and everything in between!
5–I don’t know where to start. Throwing on a pair of jeans, button up shirt and sneakers I can do, but the thought of figuring out what suit to buy, makes me sweat more than a pimp in a police station.
What SUITABULL says.. Suits are the easiest type of clothing to start with since it covers most of your body. Pick a suit! Any suit! Maybe not any suit. But start with a $250 budget and catch a holiday sale at Macy’s.
The key is getting it tailored right. So use the in house tailor to taper your jacket and hem your pants. Don’t know what to pair it with? No problem, you can pair any suit with a white or light blue button up shirt. Cognac color oxford shoes will have your feet on point and a white pocket square will seal the deal. Need a tie? A navy blue or black tie will get you where you need to be. Too much for you to fathom? Hit up contact@suitabull.com for a consult and let me help you through it.
Now that you know the real deal and some alternatives, do you still hate suits? Do they still scare you? When it comes to suits, don’t be a “Shook one” get informed, get a consult and get out there and make me proud!
Stay SUITABULL guys.