SUITABULL isn’t only about style, it is a lifestyle! Similar to how Drake isn’t just a dude that sings mediocre hooks and spits dope rhymes over a tight track, but rather, he’s an experience, a musical artist (some may disagree here, but you can fight me about it later). Albeit SUITABULL is 2 years strong this month; and where the thought of terrible twos is enough to give any parent stomach flu like symptoms, our 2-year journey looks bright thus far.
So what’s happening in the world of SUITABULL? We definitely are and always will be “Where Fashion Ave and Wall St. meet.” A place for men to be uplifted encouraged and empowered to look and be their best. Why not give yourself the best chance possible to look great on your “not so great” days. Come with me on this journey to reflect on this past year and also see some of what we’ve got up our sleeves next! Special shout out to Nassau County for recognizing me in February, with a citation for being a successful, African American, small business owner (of SUITABULL). I don’t do this for the recognition, but it definitely feels great to be honored for following your calling, while making an impact on others.
We're still hitting you with content on a monthly basis. From “Morning Hacks” designed to get you out of the house more efficiently, to Pool Party style, we’re covering more than just how to suit up. SUITABULL is tackling real-life, seasonally relevant events that we can all relate to!
Expect more of this in the future. Got invited to a business dinner last minute, but today is Dress down Friday at the office? Split your pants at work, while releasing your chakras with impromptu yoga and need to get em fixed before your coworkers catch the full moon? Or maybe you’ve dropped your Chicken Parmesan sub on your shirt and you look like an extra from “The Walking Dead?” Perhaps you’ve forgotten to put on deodorant and you can’t tell the different between whether they’re serving French Onion soup in the cafeteria, or if it’s just you? All real live situations that happen to us all, that we’ll dropping some tips on.
More follower interaction with blog topic selection will be welcomed and SUITABULL will provide answers to some of the craziest questions that swirl about in our heads. Like, "can i use my tie as a pocket square?" Or "can i wear a male romper on dress down Friday?" (Hint: umm nah). So get those suggestions and topics rolling in and SUITABULL will respond! Testimonials and comical stories are also welcomed.
The Services
The blog communicates to the broader audience, but this year the services component was added, to specifically cater to your individual needs. This is the heart of the business where I get to interact with you personally to understand who you are, what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and how! Free measurements are provided when we do our initial consultation to assess your fit, personality and individual style. Regardless of the service chosen, you’ll complete a brief questionnaire that will help me to get to know you before we meet, which will maximize our consultation time.
There’s something for everyone across the service offerings:
Initial Consultation
During this initial consultation, I get the chance to understand what makes you tick, your occupation, your favorite color and your lifestyle all through a brief questionnaire and conversation. This is the foundation of fashion freedom.
SUITABULL Shopping Excursion
Using our initial consultation and some targeted questions, our shopping excursion will kickoff well before we meet up. As we hit the various stores on our itinerary, you will sample carefully pre-selected pieces composed around your body type, budget and personality. Remember I’m here to enhance your style, not change who you are, that's what plastic surgeons are for. Our shopping experience will also serve as a learning opportunity as I guide you with some key shopping tips. Whether you’re satisfying an immediate need or rounding out your current wardrobe, I’m here for you!
Closet Cleanse
Remember that oversized suit from 4 Easters ago, or those square toe shoes, or maybe that button up shirt that fits a little too close? Well, I’ll help you with your separation anxiety and organization of your clothing, shoes ties and other accessories. The closet cleanse includes:
--Body type assessment
--Composing outfits that can be put together out of your existing wardrobe.
--Determining the items to be kept and those to be discarded
--Assessment of missing pieces from your wardrobe and creating a list of items that need to be purchased and where you can find them.
--Suggesting items that require tailoring
Most grooms just “show up” to their wedding with any old tux. But why show up, when you can arrive? For once, be the guy that looks worthy of being on the arm of his bride. Come see me to make that your reality. This service includes a consultation to understand your personal style and wedding theme, and assistance with shopping for the most SUITABULL option. If that includes a full custom tuxedo, no problem, I’ll make sure to hook you up with the best custom tailor (cost of attire not included). The same service may also be extended to include your groomsmen and ring bearer.
Special Events Styling
Holiday dance, Black tie event, All white party? No matter the occasion, I’ll have you dressed to impress. First, we’ll discuss some details around the event, your style preferences and budget; I’ll compose a look just for you. You have two choices under this service, either shop with me, or I can shop for you and present the options at your home.
So don't hesitate! Click to get started
I’ve been thinking about my long distance folks. Why should you be left out? New York shouldn’t be the only SUITABULL state. So in the future, for those of you outside of the NY Tri-state area, you will have 2 options:
A) Fly me in via private jet
B) Skype consulting! Isn’t technology great?
Though you may be tempted to roll with “option A” I would recommend that we use tech to get the job done. Unless you insist 😁.
Overall Reflection
Being an entrepreneur is tough, takes tons of self-motivation, money (sometimes), patience, commitment and perseverance. It also takes a lot of prayer and bouncing ideas off of those that support your vision. I’ve endured all of that and more in these first 2 years, but things are looking up. So thank you for your support! Purchase some services, stay engaged, drop some comments and most importantly...
Stay SUITABULL guys.