Whenever I encounter people in my travels or at work, I can’t help but notice the variety of ways that people dress. Whether disheveled or distinguished, wacky or well manicured, bright or blah, everyone is inspired by something or someone. So who’s your style icon? Mine is my dad. In my bio, you get a glimpse of whom my father is, by the way he used to dress me. Back then, he wasn’t a rich man, but he always knew the power of appearances. While others were purchasing their threads locally in his country Sierra Leone, he would order his internationally from the UK, and that was in the 1960’s and 70’s as a 20-something year old! Naturally when he had a son, he would ensure that the same mentality would be passed on. My pops always made sure that my penny loafers never went penny-less. Whether it’s his pocket square matching his shirt or his pleated pants and creased shirts being sharp enough to cut a tomato 🍅 , pops is always on point! He was my first (and still the strongest) style inspiration ever, but I eventually evolved to acquire a team of style inspirations. Special shout out to him on his milestone 70th birthday this month!
Summertime Smooth
When summer time rolls by, the Miami vibes are in my head and in my closet. New York gets a fraction of the amount of fair weather so I’ve got to make these 12 weeks or so of warm weather count for something! My style idols here are Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice. Don’t ask me why these fictional detectives were fighting crime in linen suits and soft bottom loafers (Hint: maybe because they're fictional). All I know is that whenever I would watch an old episode, it always feels like summer. Like Detectives Crockett and Tubbs, bright blues and yellow hues and any other colors you’re likely to find in a fruit basket are the one I’ll likely be wearing. Light fabrics like linen, cotton and some wools instantly put my mind in a state of vacay. And who knows, maybe I can pick up a side hustle as a detective in Miami since I already dress the part.
After Work, Summertime Smooth

Miami Vice, Tubbs

Miami Vice, Crockett and Tubbs

About that Prep Life
When I’m ready to be on my preppy game, I think of Carlton Banks, Fresh prince of Bel Air. You know him.. Tom Jones loving, argyle socks wearing, prim and proper preppy boy from Bel Air. Yup, y’all laughed at him back then, but you’re dressing like him now ain’t ya? Carlton and preps alike, love to wear timeless fabrics, colors and combos almost as if it’s the rich folks uniform. Of those, you’ll see me rock the argyle socks (not as much into argyle sweaters), plaid fabric suits or Navy blazers with tan slacks and loafers. In terms of my similarities with Carlton, it pretty much stops at style.. You won’t catch me dancing to or singing Tom Jones out here!
Dinner Dance, Red Theme

Carlton Banks

Black Tie Boss
My style inspiration for black tie, semi-formal/formal affairs is more event based. I usually channel the Stellar Awards, because everyone knows that "church folk" can dress up. Kirk Franklin's style in particular is one in which I'm always amazed. Then again, a guy that stands at 5 feet, 5 inches has gotta do what he's gotta do to stand out! I've got a whole 2 inches more height than he does, so I don't have any issues with height! The Oscars is another event that inspires my black tie aspirations, simply because everyone tries to outshine the gold statue (the real style MVP of the night) and come close to it too, but who can out dress an Oscar?! No one is classier than that dude!
Black Tie Charity Event

Kirk Franklin Stellar Awards

Just Kickin' It
When I’m in my chill mode, I think Pharrell Williams or Cristiana Ronaldo. Both carry pretty unique styles. Pharrell has a funky eclectic vibe, while Ronaldo has the European dress down, dapper look down pact. I'll follow one or the other based on what I'm doing or who I'm hanging out with that day. Hanging out with my babe, or going on a couples night on the town, I go for the Ronaldo look. If I'm hanging with the fellas or doing a quick dry cleaning drop off, Pharrell is my go to. Sometimes I want to dress versitile enough to handle wherever i go, or any event in which I might find myself. In those cases I roll with Ronaldo again. Sometimes you've got to be prepared for any situation, like a Swiss Army knife. In other words, Ronaldo is the Swiss Army knife of style, extra sharp and extra versatile. If that ain't the characteristic of a style idol, then I don't know what is!
Spontaneous Auto Show

Cristiano Ronaldo

Pharrell Williams

So who is your style idol? What inspires your style? Is it color? Your favorite music artist or actor? Or is it a famous runway model? Whatever the motivation, own it! We all are daringly dapper in our own unique way. If your don’t have a style idol, flip through some magazines or pay extra attention to music videos. You might even find a style idol at work or better yet, SUITABULL could be that inspiration for you to find your style path.