Springtime has rolled in, and with it, mating season, a.k.a. dating season. That’s right, the end of cuffing season is here and to ensure that your prospects are bright, your wardrobe’s gotta be tight! The easy part was asking her out, now you’ve gotta show up and be present. And what better way to start than with getting your gear together. I can’t guarantee that if you go in there looking like Dwayne Wade on game day that you’ll be guaranteed a second date, but if your text messages go unanswered afterwards, it won’t be because of how you’ve presented yourself. So jump out of those “Netflix n Chill sweats, dust off your dapper duds, get your game face on and check out these quick tips on how to make sure her eyes are stuck on you when she enters the room. Knowing what to wear means that you first need to know your setting.
Any Occasion
Dark blue faded jeans, button up shirt (tailored), 👖 leather loafers or drivers moccasins will work for any occasion. You shouldn’t be swimming in a huge shirt, In other words, if you need s snorkel to rock those threads, then it’s time to take a trip to your neighborhood dry cleaner for a quick tailoring appointment. Top it off with a leather or suede jacket or sports coat to complete the look.

Something Fun
For you athletic types, you might select something more thrill seeking for your first date, like swimming in the East river, hang-gliding off the Empire State Building or drinking New Jersey tap water.. In this case, semi workout gear is appropriate. Slim cut joggers and a Dri-FIT shirt would work well here. The joggers should be slim, not tight. Don’t show up, flaunting your glutes more than her. If you’re built like Idris Elba or John Cena and don’t care about leaving anything to the imagination, go for a super fitted shirt. If you’re built like Rick Ross and need some work in the fitness department, go for a looser fit. Sneakers should make a statement here and should tie the look together similar to oxfords worn with a suit. Please do not bring your sneakers that look like they’re talking. And carry a duffel bag with a change of clothes and some toiletries. Bringing the Funk went out of style in the 70’s, so keep that same energy with your date, wash up after you’re done sweating it out. Don’t attempt to cover up the funk with cologne. As my old gym teacher always said,
“cologne + sweat = @$$.”

Let's Do Lunch
Lunch dates are like drinking diet soda. Same concept but a less intense flavor. Lunch dates are designed to lighten the pressure from your typical stress surrounding a traditional dinner date. This is an opportunity to have a convo over some cappuccino and a turkey club instead of Sauvignon and Sirloin. Expectations step down a bit, but it doesn’t mean that your wardrobe standards take a dive. Dial it down to something fun since it’s the daytime. Add some color to the mix to give her some exercise for those eyes. A colored jacket and muted navy or gray cotton chinos will do just that. Or flip it around. Instead of loafers, substitute with dress sneakers in white, black, blue or cognac. No Air Jordan’s or Air Force Ones on the first date, we’re not in high school anymore.😁

Fine Dining
Time to level up. Hitting up Nobu, Del Frisco’s, or another fine dining establishment? First make sure you can afford ANYTHING that she orders from the menu. Dine and Dash is not a good way to kick off a relationship, especially if she’s the one that gets stuck busting suds in the kitchen. Secondly, many of these establishments require men to wear a jacket while dining. No not because the heat is broken, but for etiquette purposes. In this case, the “any occasion” ensemble mentioned above, would work if you substitute the jeans for tapered slacks or chinos. Keep the footwear classy with leather or suede loafers (socks optional) and if you’re not feeling the button up shirt vibe, swap out for a lightweight V-neck sweater. No tie, necessary, it’s a date not an interview!

Hygiene and Grooming
The 3 S’s
Growing up my dad always talked about the 3 S’s Sh!#, Shower and Shave. Make sure you do all 3 before your date. There’s nothing worse than pulling up to a date with a messy face like Tom Hanks in “Castaway”, armpits kick in’ like Collin McGregor and bubble guts with more rumble thank Jackie Chan in the Bronx! Every guy wants to blow their date away on first impression, but not with subway station, tap dancing in poo poo 💩 levels of stank!
Why not show your best self. Make an appointment with your barber 💈 and get your hair cleaned up. You never know if you’ll get a second chance for her to see you at your best, so start off right.
Showering is essential but don’t shower 🚿 yourself with cologne. Light dabs behind the ear and on the neck will offer a subtle refreshing scent to your date when she leans in for the hug. Just remember she’ll be looking at your hair and your wears to decide if she wants to bring it in for a hug when you first meet. So make a good strong impression. The cologne will be the icing on the cake.
While looking and smelling good may break the ice, great conversation is sure to keep the vibe chilled. Most important rule, LISTEN! Now is not the time for your 30 minute, no interlude monologue. Listen to her, and actually process what she’s saying, instead of figuring out how to “one up” her.
Have Something to Talk About
Know thyself (likes, dislikes, favorite movies). Have a story to tell. Probably more memorable than listing out all the reasons why you’re so great and deserve a second date.
Be Ready
To pick up the bill. Fellas. My friends and I are traditional gentlemen, so back when we all we’re hitting the dating scene, we were the type to pick up the bill on a first date. You should too. Let her know that your momma and daddy taught you right. Don’t be the subject of her “men ain’t no good” bash session with her girlfriends at the end of that night.
Take a Hint
If things are going well, tell her that you enjoyed yourself and that you’d like to see her again. A little transparency goes a long way. And if your delivery is on point, you won’t look like a thirst-bucket. There’s a chance that she actually might not like you. The nerve of her! Not to buckle at the knees at the sight of you in all your glory!. Take cues from her. If the conversations isn’t vibing right, or you feel no chemistry, still be a gentleman. Respect isn’t just about her, it’s also about respecting yourself. So if it doesn’t work out, depart, delete the number from your phone and keep it moving. And if you’re lucky, you might catch the eye of someone else on your way out.
Stay SUITABULL guys.