If you work in Corporate America, right now you belong to one of two camps; those that just completed compensation discussions (raise bonus, promotions etc.) and those that are about to go into them. When the dust settles, some will look forward to that promotion, raise, corner office or all three, while others may be looking at their professional network, Linked In and INDEED.com for a new job. Either way, your style game will require some attention. For the gents resurrecting the resume, shining the shoes and pounding the pavement, some extra TLC when it comes to your look and demeanor can help you land that job that’ll serve you more stacks than IHOP! Attire varies based on industry so we'll look at it from a couple of perspectives. Professional/Conservative If you’ve got a prospective role at a financial institution, media, or anywhere with a traditional business casual environment, then business professional attire is a must for an interview.
The Suit
For an interview, your suit MUST be one color. Now is not the time to break out your tri-color “killin’ em” suit that you wore to cousin Terry's wedding, where you bagged 10 phone numbers. Remember, you’re going on an interview, not as the main dude on "The Bachelor." The only thing you should be “killin’ em” with, is your knowledge.
Keep it simple
No plaid, no polka dot, no checkered and the only pinstripes worn should be your lucky Yankees boxers. Worn underneath of course. Seriously though, tone on tone pinstripes in the same color is acceptable. But err on the more conservative side for the interview.
In terms of color
Stay with either navy blue or charcoal gray. Navy blue conveys power, authority and confidence so you’re commanding the room from the moment that you walk in. It also exudes trust, and if you’re in the money industry (or pretty much looking for employment anywhere), trust is a characteristic that is exponentially appreciated. Most executives wear navy blue suits for these reasons as well. The type of shirts that one would wear to an interview, tend to pop a bit better against a Navy blue backdrop.
Charcoal gray, while your first thought may be barbecue related, we’re still talking suit colors here. Much like the independence of barbequing outside, started by the original cave man, the charcoal gray suit conveys independence to the gent or madam, firing off the questions on the other side of the interview table. If you’re applying for an individual contributor/independent or analytical type of role, i.e. research analyst, then this may be the right move for you. Again keep the pattern basic with solid, tone on tone stripes or herringbone.
Black suits are considered as more formal and/or intimidating. I recommend staying with either blue or gray. Save the black for the black tie event, serving communion or a funeral instead.
The simpler, the shirt the safer you are. Go for a spread collar or wider (no button down collar). All white is always the most formal and conveys that you’re sharp and organized. Light blue shirts are next in line and provide a calming effect. To separate yourself from the masses, mix it up with a light blue shirt combined with a white banker collar. If you favor French cuff shirts and desire to wear cuff links, go for it!
Unless you’re interviewing to be a secret double agent, clown, or magician, please leave the bow tie at home. A silk necktie will do just fine. Keep the patters simple and monochromatic. Solid is usually your best bet and presents crisply. Colors are key. Showing up in a hot pink or lime green tie, may be ok for your GQ model shoot, but wearing one on your interview, you might end up shooting yourself in the foot. Here’s the scoop:
—Red (power tie)—Red conveys power, passion and excitement. The brighter the red, the stronger the message. I personally favor a deep burgundy shade of red.
—Yellow (medium power)—This color grabs attention while dialing back the dominance aspect. Yellow is strong but a bit more approachable.
—Blue (reserved power)—The most approachable of the 3 colors, blue conveys trust (as mentioned with the suits). The lighter the blue, the more approachable, versus darker blues, which present as more serious.

Pocket Square—Even on an interview, a pocket squares serve a purpose. This detail, although minor, can help differentiate you from other candidates. Keep it basic with white cotton, folded into a square and placed neatly into the pocket. A quarter of an inch should be visible above the pocket opening.

Shoes—Black or blue oxfords will do; black being the most formal of the two colors.
Laid back Liberal Environment
For laid back environments that live by a casual dress code, wearing a suit would still be your best bet. Lighten up the color of the tie and add a striped or plaid pattern.
If the environment is ultra laid back like, shirts and flip flops in the summer time, then swap the suit for a sports coat and tan or gray slacks. Necktie is optional. And don’t even think about wearing flip-flops! When in doubt, dress up. When I was in college I showed up to my interview for a stock picker position, in a suit. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed, any day.
Preparation and Attitude To succeed in anything that lies ahead, you need the right preparation and attitude. Looking great means nothing if you've got nothing to say, much like, a Lamborghini means nothing with a Volvo engine under the hood/trunk. Research the company, the group you would be working for and the role you are interviewing for. Speak to someone in a similar role if you have to. Understand some of the challenges of the business and speak to them if you can. Go over your resume and ensure that you can speak to everything on it. Pick at least 2 scenarios that you can speak on extensively that will help you to shine. If you come out of the gate with an intriguing story about yourself, then the conversation becomes much more relaxed and natural, instead of "question and answer" session.
Your attire shouldn't be the only thing exuding confidence. Speak good things for yourself into existence. Hype yourself up on the way. Shake off those nerves. PRAY! Make sure when you get there; you can sound like you already fit in.
The overall goal is to captivate the attention of the interviewer with your skills and charisma, not distract them with your rainbow of colors and plethora of patterns. Once you create that first positive impression, the rest should be golden. Good Luck!
Stay SUITABULL guys.