It’s Monday morning and the sound of your alarm clock just about punches you in the face and drags you out of bed like an MMA fight gone bad. You have no idea what to wear, so you stare into the abyss of your closet, hoping that it sucks you in so you don’t have to go to work today. Unfortunately for you, 5 minutes turns into 15 and now you’re running behind. Maybe, in your mind, you’ve planned to get to the office early to catch up on some work, but you’re already late before you’ve wiped the crust out of your eyes 👀 . That’s because many men (and women for that matter) treat their mornings like they treat an annoying neighbor. They ignore it and hope it works itself out, instead of facing it head on. Well, it’s the new year gents and it’s time to up your game. Whether you’re trying to buy yourself more time in the morning to get to the gym, or allow yourself an extra 15 minutes of sleep, you’ve landed on the right post! I’ll give you some top tips for navigating your morning, minimizing painful decisions, and maximizing your time all while looking like the best version of yourself! The Night Before Plan (your wardrobe) ahead.
Taking a few moments to plan the night before, can save you time and stress in the morning. Since every minute in the morning feels more like 10 seconds, you’ll appreciate the extra time. The goal is to get into a morning routine so everything becomes muscle memory. Hang your clothes up either on a valet, your closet door, or next to eachother inside your closet. Wherever you hang it, make sure it’s easily accessible. As for your accessories, lay them out on your night stand or valet where they are quickly accessible. You’ll want your watch, cuff link, tie bar, collar stays, belt or suspenders and most importantly your wedding ring (for your married guys), close by so you don’t forget them. If you forget your ring, you may make it to work on time, but you’ll likely want to come home late to avoid World War 3 with the wife.
Plan your week
When I worked on the trading floor a few years back, I had to be out of the house by 4:45am to get to the desk by 6am and usually didn't get home until after 7pm. With this schedule I had no choice but to plan my weekly wardrobe on Sunday night. If you have a similar schedule or have a desire to be extra ambitious, then you might want to give this a try. The weekly prep method becomes less painful, if you’re a dry cleaning kind of guy. Shirts and suits are already pressed and only require some creative planning over the weekend. If you launder your shirts yourself like I used to, expect to spend about an an hour in total, including shirt selection and all the ironing. Similar to the “night before” method, you’ll need to plan your suit/slacks/jacket, shirt, tie and/or pocket square, shoes and any other accessories. Sure, the extra task chips away at your weekend, but it also buys time on both ends (day and night) during the week.
Stack your stuff by the door
It takes a little more than solving your sartorial conundrums, to keep you on track in the morning. One of the biggest time-suckers in the morning is misplaced keys, among other things. So keep these tips in mind:
-Keep your coat by the door
-Keep your keys in your coat/jacket pocket and
-Keep your briefcase and/or gym bag by the door.
Check the weather
Nothing worse than running out and having to run back in for an umbrella, rain boots or snow boots. Oh wait there is something worse, like forgetting your rain/snow gear altogether. Keep umbrellas, raincoats and rain boots near the door to prevent any morning mishaps. Finally, if you know that bad weather is on the horizon, skip the light colored and khaki slacks, I doubt you’d want to show up looking like you’ve wet yourself.
Check your gas
Nothing says you’re going to be late to work, like that orange “low fuel” light flashing in your face. Depending on the distance of the gas station from your home, this could easily mean a monkey wrench in that 9am meeting. Sure, you could play fear factor and see if you can make it to your destination 5 miles away, with your needle already dragging on “Empty”, but remember, you’ve got to have enough to make it to the gas station after work. For you risk takers, hope you’ve got that AAA on speed dial! Nothing is more welcoming than a car that wont start, after a long day of work.
Make your lunch the night before
If you’re saving money, why not save time too? Fix that turkey sandwich the night before.. Worried about soggy bread? Hold the mayo, at least until you’re ready to eat.
If you’re the type that exercises in the morning, then sleeping in your gym clothes saves and extra step. Think about it, Wake, Brush, Leave! Keep your work clothes and anything else that you’ll need, in the trunk of your car (or near the door if you Uber). Just to be clear, gym clothes can only double as bed clothes ONCE. No repeats unless you want your bed smelling like the subway station after dark.
Day of
Snooze the alarm ⏰ once
Setting your alarm only works if you actually get up when it sounds. If you love your job, you probably don’t need an alarm to wake up, but for the other 99% of the population please stop playing “WHACK A MOLE” with your snooze button! Snooze ONLY once allowing yourself a 10 minute buffer to fully wake up.
Breakfast to go
if you hope to shave another 15 to 20 minutes off of the time it takes to leave the house, then breakfast is where it’s at. Don’t miss it, just postpone it, for your ride to work or for your company cafeteria. Pancake stacks and omelets are best eaten at a table, not on your dashboard while flying down the left lane of the free way.. Grab some commuter friendly meals like granola bars or breakfast sandwiches The upside… time saved and no dishes to wash! Save your reading for the ride
Whether you favor the Wall Street Journal, or the LA Times, CNN or CNBC, get your daily dose on the way to work. If you ride public transportation, it’s the perfect time to peruse through the paper. If you drive, switch the radio to your favorite news station. You’ll feel smarter by the time you make it in the office.
Game Face
With the emotional and mental bumps and bruises taken each day on the job, some of us can equate our work life to playing a contact sport. The most important aspect is getting your head in the game. When you wake up, speak some positivity over yourself. If you're spiritual, pray or read a devotional. Or maybe ask Alexa to play your favorite motivational speaker. The better you are in your mind and spirit, the more prepared you'll be to face the day. The more prepared you are, the easier it is to sail out the front door on time. Get your game face on and get ready to tackle the day head on!
Being fashionably late works well for parties and other social events, but not so much when it comes to your job. When "time is money", getting a check is always in style. So get up, get dressed, get your game face on and GO GET 'EM!
Stay SUITABULL guys.