Style can absolutely affect how you feel. My first year of High School, I was determined to bust out of the shell that I lived in throughout my prior pubescent years. And style gave me that confidence to do so! I even remember what I wore on the first day of school; fresh Polo shirt, new pair of guess jeans, a crisp pair of Air Jordan’s that hadn’t been breathed on since I bought them, and a haircut so sharp, I could cut through one of those square pizzas in the cafeteria. On that morning, when I stepped through those doors for the first time with my best friend, you couldn’t tell me nothin’! I actually didn't even walk in; I floated like one of those mall security guards on a Segway. That’s the feeling that I now strive to have everyday. That’s actually how we should all strive to feel everyday and here are some ways that could help. Grooming
Hair—Keep that cut fresh. If you’re rocking a fade, keep it tight, a baldy keep it clean and shiny, got locks, wear them as artistically as your personality calls for, and if you're sporting a “man bun”, don’t. Just kidding about that last one. If you’ve got the confidence and follicular abundance that allows you to wear a man bun, I’m not a huge fan, but by all means go ahead!
Face—I've noticed the increase of gang activity lately.. “Beard gang!” If you're part of this illustrious group of gents, you need to care for that thing before it turns on you and devours your face like Hannibal Lector. Wash it, and moisturize it. There’s no reason that today’s beard should smell like last nights Pad Thai noodles.
Skin—Ash belongs at the bottom of fireplaces, cigarette ashtrays and barbeque grills, not on your skin. If you've got more scales on your skin, than the alligator on your Lacoste shirt, then you ought to break out the lotion and Vaseline. Better yet, apply as soon as you exit the shower, to lock in moisture and prevent the ash.
Smell Goods—Antiperspirant is essential, cologne is optional.
Antiperspirant—Your antiperspirant need not have an odor to prevent the one that your body produces, I use a soft stick style, which helps seal in sweat and keep me from smelling like I just fought 3 rounds with Floyd Mayweather (because I’m not sure I would last more than 3 rounds).
Cologne—Every cologne isn’t made for every man. Cologne compliments your natural scent and blends in to create a spectacular aromatic experience. There are two main types of cologne, oil based and alcohol based. Oil based colognes need less application (just a dab) due to their potency. It lasts longer than alcohol based. It's also more expensive. Always remember that cologne should be applied sparingly, not worn as a liquid sweater. If we can smell you before we see you, then you’re probably wearing too much.

Rings should be worn on your finger, not around your collar. Wash those shirts and give it a fresh press while you’re at it. Not up to the task? That’s what our friends at the dry cleaners are for. About 8 years ago when I started traveling for work, I decided that I was willing to pay for dry cleaning if it meant gaining back 3 hours of my weekend. Keep your slacks, suits and other clothing freshly pressed, to avoid that, "just rolled out of bed" look.

Body image—Wear clothes that compliment your body image. Clothing that is too tight or too big will have you feeling some type of way about yourself. Feel free to refer to Body Type Basics to help you along.

Happy colors—Like those listed below are said to have a positive effect on your mood. Here’s what those colors mean.
Red—passion and power
Blue—calm, loyal, dependable (think of the sky)
Purple—royalty, luxury
Orange—success, high energy
Yellow—warmth (think of the sun)
Green—Money, growth healing
What to wear—The main rule here is to wear something that makes you feel the best way possible. If it’s a favorite suit, wear it, your wedding tux; wear it, even if it is just to look in the mirror. The goal is to feel good about your self!
Smile—Even on the days that you don’t feel like it, smile. Every now and then you’ve got to fake it till you make it. Encouraging yourself with a smile and self-affirming words will help you stand taller.
Overall Attitude—For some, it doesn’t matter, they’ll be miserable no matter what they wear. I pray that’s not the case for you. And if it is, I hope that at some point, you can apply some of the guidance in this post to boost your mood. On the flip side, some of you have joy permeating through your pores, no matter what you wear. For those of you that fall into this 1%, keep doing what you're doing, unless it's illegal.

Style Therapy in Action
I have a friend, Danny who stared in the face of cancer and slung it down like David did Goliath, because of style. Everyday that he had the energy (and even on some days when he didn’t); he would get out of bed and get dressed to the nines, because he knew the power of “looking good to feel good!” With that attitude, good style, family and faith, he beat the snot out of cancer! More than once! Today, he spreads that gift by providing fashion makeovers to teens with cancer, through his organization; Joy Juice. To find out more about his story and his mission visit www.joyjuiceinc.org

If you’re out there and you’re struggling with sickness, depression or self esteem issues, get the help that you need, but getting up, getting dressed and lifting your head up can be a promising start.
Be well and we will see you in the New Year where you'll have the ability to enlist SUITABULL's services for your personal styling needs!
Stay SUITABULL guys.