This month officially marks one year since our first post! While first-year birthdays bring thoughts of toddlers running a muck, kids bop blasting from Spotify and the ol’ cake smash routine, here at SUITABULL, we thought we would give away some insight on the journey over the last year and a glimpse into the future.
Firstly, doing this and holding a full time, demanding corporate job is hard as ever. I’d rather hang with you guys all day long through this outlet, but bills have gotta be paid, until the business becomes a beast of its own. Besides, working in corporate, helps provide me with content. Prime example in my blog post “SHOEtopia” I talk about the death of the squared toe shoe, versus the types of shoes that a gent needs in his arsenal. Then there was “Dress Down Like a Don.” Every Friday spawned a new wave of style variety; the cotton suits, vibrant colors, and boat shoes that pure Kentucky Derby or yacht party vibes. And then there were the offenders, that unfortunately took as much effort to put together an outfit as some people do before they send tweets. I'm just saying...
Personal Growth
If this journey has taught me anything so far, it’s to believe what I’m preaching. I need to take my own advice (no shortcuts). I can’t be out there slippin’. That’s like catching your pastor in Vegas at the craps table. or seeing Lebron James miss a lay up.
Encouragement from my biggest supporters and many new ones too has been awesome. On days where I felt tired, people kept telling me to keep going. Shout out to God for giving me the strength and opening up doors for me in this process, my number 1 cheerleader and supportive wife, Mona and my little man Micah (the cute kid in the picture above). I'm building this empire for us! I'd also like to shout out my photographer Jamil @mylinealfims, marketing team Mark B @bonafiedlyricandmarketingllc, site/logo designer Jaime @jaimeh41, my main man Mark F and my brother from another, Shaun for being the battery in my back, my parents, especially my dad for teaching me the style tricks of the trade growing up, my big sis, "G" and countless others. You all keep me going! It’s funny how those around you see how big something that you’ve created is going to be, even before you do.
Up Next
For the future you can expect some greater things coming from SUITABULL! Content wise, you’ll see more "How To’s" and "Do’s and Donts", but you’ll also see more editorials and relevant everyday stories that speak to the application of my principles.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is worth a million! You might have seen my promo video done by @mylinealfilms. There will be more fly lifestyle flicks to show case important style elements, and lastly, some how to videos to bring my advice to life. I'm also open to ideas for posts, so if there’s something you’d like to see, let me know ASAP! I'd love to be able to communicate more directly with you, so drop those comments and send those emails!
Feedback is helpful, so if there’s something that you’d like to see more of, or a solid idea, I won’t discriminate. If it makes sense, we’ll see about the best way to implement.
Consulting Service
For those that feel like the advice is great, but you still need a more hands on approach, you’ll have the ability to utilize my consulting services! For now, the best way to contact me for inquiries and pricing is via email at contact@suitabull.com. Whether your need is styling for a special event, a personal shopping excursion or a complete wardrobe overhall, I'm here to meet your needs.
All in all, I'm feeling good about the past year, but there's still a long way to go on the journey! The grind never stops. I’m excited about what’s in store and the lives that will change through this journey, including mine!
Until then...